I have a treat for you today. Meet Debby Seguin. Debby is a survivor of emotional abuse, and a true THRIVER. Here is her story. The Beginning I met my ex at a New Years Eve bowling party with our church singles group in San Antonio on Dec 31, 1985. We dated and...
Do Christian Abuse Victims Have Rights?
Have you ever heard someone say, “Christians should surrender their rights?” Does the Bible really teach that? How can this idea be used to keep a domestic violence victim in bondage? The following was shared by Leslie Vernick as a guest blog by Rebecca Davis: One of...
One Church Standing Beside DV Survivors
Many of us turned to our churches for help when we were with our abusive partners. Sadly, more often than not, we were told to be more submissive and respectful. Our abusers were often not held accountable. Because of this, many abuse survivors turn away from the...
Survivor Story – Spiritually Bruised and Battered
Laura Moseley, creator of DV Walking Wounded, tells her story of looking for help from her church for the abuse in her marriage. Sadly the church wasn’t helpful. She has not let her past stop her. She now helps others experiencing abuse.
When Divorce Saves Lives
Christian abuse victims are often told they have no biblical right to divorce. These pastors disagree.
Hanging Onto Hope Podcast
Brenda J and Karen Wonder from Hanging Onto Hope Podcast interviewed Caroline Abbott, author of “A Journey to Healing After Emotional Abuse.”
Survivor Story – Making Beauty from Ashes
Tia Payne describes her journey with abuse, realizing God loved her more than her marriage, to becoming a DV advocate and founder of Legacy31.
Jesus’ Attitude Toward Women – Part 2
Jesus risked censor by teaching women. He also allowed women to be his disciples, giving them the message of his resurrection before his apostles.
How SHOULD the Church Respond to Abuse?
Diane Langberg points out that abuse is not a one-time sin, but a cancer of the soul which is not cured by some tears and a few words. Church-protect your flock.
Is the Church Waking Up?
Like many of you, I turned to my church for help when I was being abused. Sadly, my church, just like many of yours, failed me. Many of us were We are told to try harder, forgive our abusers, or be a better wife/husband. Our abusers were rarely held accountable for...