Christians in a Terrible Bind

Good morning. So many Christians have been told that there are only two biblical reasons for divorce: Infidelity or abandonment by our spouses. This leaves Christians who are experiencing horrible verbal, emotional, sexual, financial, spiritual and physical abuse in a terrible bind. Do we stay in these unhealthy marriages (allowing our children to believe this is what marriage should be, and possibly becoming abused or abusers in their future marriages)? Or, do we leave for our own sanity and for the health of our children? If we do leave must we feel we need to leave our God (or at least our churches) behind?

Friends, it doesn’t have to be this way.

There is Hope!

Some pastors are beginning to realize that abuse IS a valid biblical reason for divorce. Today I am sharing a life saving, life giving resource. I found this on the website called Life Saving Divorce. What a breath of fresh air!

The page that I highlight today shares messages from over 20 pastors who have searched the scriptures, and their hearts, and have come out publicly to say that abuse IS a valid biblical reason for divorce.

For those of you struggling with the very difficult decision about whether to divorce, and what will God think, this is for you. Click here.

After viewing these statements by pastors, I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment on this blog.

May God bless you and keep you.
