Jesus’ Attitude Toward Women
Though Jesus lived in a very patriarchal culture, he went out of his way to show compassion to women, and even lauded their actions over those of male leaders.
Self-Care During Quarantine
Is your anxiety through the roof right now? Here are some tips on lowering your anxiety through self-care during Coronavirus
How SHOULD the Church Respond to Abuse?
Diane Langberg points out that abuse is not a one-time sin, but a cancer of the soul which is not cured by some tears and a few words. Church-protect your flock.
The Long Journey from Victim to Survivor to Thriver
When we experience abuse, it affects every part of our life. It is possible to survive abuse and even thrive once we leave the abuser and find some healing.
Can EMDR Really Heal Trauma?
EMDR can be used to heal the trauma associated with domestic violence. It works quickly and the survivor does not need to talk about their painful memories.
Is the Church Waking Up?
Like many of you, I turned to my church for help when I was being abused. Sadly, my church, just like many of yours, failed me. Many of us were We are told to try harder, forgive our abusers, or be a better wife/husband. Our abusers were rarely held accountable for...
My Interview on Halfway There
Caroline shares her life story on Halfway There’s podcast. She talks about experiencing abuse, not being supported by the church, and bringing beauty from ashes.
Techniques to Help Anxiety and Dissociation
When we feel anxious, or are separated from our bodies, deep breathing and grounding techniques help us return to a state of calm.
Self-Care as an Act of Trust
What do you think of when you hear the word self-care? Do you picture your friend who must get her nails done weekly, who plays with her iPhone for hours at a time while her preschoolers run outside without supervision? Do you picture your spouse who ignores you, your...
What Stops Domestic Violence?
The statistics for domestic violence are staggering. According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey created by the Center for Disease Control, "1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the United States have experienced some form of physical violence by...