Survivor Story – Debby Seguin

Survivor Story – Debby Seguin

I have a treat for you today. Meet Debby Seguin. Debby is a survivor of emotional abuse, and a true THRIVER. Here is her story. The Beginning      I met my ex at a New Years Eve bowling party with our church singles group in San Antonio on Dec 31, 1985. We dated and...

Biblical Grounds for Divorce

Biblical Grounds for Divorce

Abuse victims in the church are often kept in bondage because they are told that abuse is not "biblical grounds for divorce." Leslie Vernick disagrees, (and so do I). In a recent blog, Leslie answered the question, "What are biblical grounds for divorce when there is...

How Can We Keep Our Kids Safe?

How Can We Keep Our Kids Safe?

I am a huge fan of Domestic Shelters. Not only can they help abuse victims find shelters all over the United States, they also post pertinent articles about domestic violence every week in their blog. They recently published a resource called What About My Kids? This...

Preview DV Guide for Churches!

A-Journey-to-Healing-Front-vfClick for a preview of DV Guide for Churches now.

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