Debby Gives Advice on Dating

Debby Gives Advice on Dating

In my last blog, I shared the story of survivor and thriver Debby Seguin. Today, I will share some of Debby's insights into dating after abuse. I thought they were profound. Let me start by saying I am not a huge fan of online dating. I hear too many negative stories...

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When Others Just Don’t Get It

When Others Just Don’t Get It

Those of us who have separated from an abuser often have to deal with questions from people who just don't get it. They are sometimes what we call "flying monkeys" - people who do the bidding of the abuser. But there may be others who are just uneducated about abuse...

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A Poem from a Survivor

A Poem from a Survivor

  Hello Dear Readers, I have a treat for you today, a poem from Karla, a domestic violence survivor. She also survived a decade of post-divorce legal abuse. She is a graduate student and hopes to become a professional writer one day. Here is her poem:  ...

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My Three Favorite Reads of 2023

My Three Favorite Reads of 2023

Hello my friends! Do you love to read? I do! I have been a voracious reader since I was 8 years old. Mostly, I love to read fiction, a good release from a sometimes harsh world. My love of reading encouraged me to write 2 books of my own, books about experiencing and...

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