I have recently finished a course on the Old Testament - so interesting! One of the things we studied closely was the 10 Commandments. I have looked at the 10 Commandments many, many times. But, this time, really studying them gave me a new insight on domestic abuse....
Why Do I Still Love My Abuser?
I speak to many abuse victims. They contact me to understand whether they really are being abused. They contact me to seek help in leaving their abusers. Some even contact me to ask me why they still love their abusers. This is my topic for today. How is it possible...
Your Worth Is Infinite
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. In this lull between Christmas and New Year's, I would love to share some thoughts about our worth in God's eyes. This devotional was written by my friend Heather of Heart, Soul and Mind Yoga. To hear a podcast of her devotional,...
Your New Name
Last year, I shared my experience beginning to take yoga. At that time, I shared that I was uncomfortable with the idea that yoga is often associated with Eastern religions. The class I was taking became more and more linked with Hinduism, and I stopped enjoying it....
How God Used Jacob’s Wrestling to Heal Him
In my last blog, I shared my pastor's sermon about how we can heal our anger with God. Today I will share how when we wrestle with God, He heals us. Have you ever been told by a well-meaning Christian, "Everything happens for a reason?" Did you know this doesn't...
Our Stories Matter
One thing I've learned as a domestic violence advocate - every survivor's story matters. Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it is another point in the "win" column.Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it's a...
Help for Sexual Assault
Many women who have experienced domestic violence have also experienced some type of sexual assault, either in their adult relationship, or as a child. Though you may not have been forcibly raped, as a child you may have: Been exposed to pornography Been exposed to...
Make a Potential Husband “Run the Gauntlet”
Today, I continue my series on dating after abuse by summarizing some great advice found in Emily Avagliano's book, Dating after Trauma: How to Find the Love of Your Life After Experiencing an Abusive Relationship, Rape or Sexual Abuse. The following is taken from my...
Come as You are
Merry Christmas my friends. Some of you are joyous today, and others intensely sad. No matter how you are feeling, I’d love to share a beautiful song with you. It is Crowder’s song, Come as You Are*. It perfectly describes the love and freedom we have in Jesus. Here...
Live at Peace
Jesus came to earth so we could live at peace with God and with others. A victim of domestic violence can be at peace with God, but she* will never be able to be at peace with her abuser. Paul the apostle counsels us in Romans 12:18: If it is possible, as far as it...