Do you struggle with leaving your abusive spouse because you made a vow to stay together until "death do you part?" This was definitely one of my most difficult challenges. I thought if I sought a divorce, I would be sinning against the Lord. I already felt enough...
What’s a Husband’s Role in a Godly Marriage?
Last week I shared what the bible says about the wife’s role in a godly marriage. This week, I would like to look at what God says about the husband’s role. Both of my blogs are based on sermons given by Pastor Mark Hallock from Calvary Church in Englewood...
What Does Biblical Submission Really Mean?
I recently heard a great sermon about biblical submission given by Pastor Mark Hallock from Calvary Church in Englewood Colorado. I loved this sermon. Often when pastors try to talk about wives submitting to their husbands, abused women walk away with a sick feeling...
How a Pastor Should NOT Counsel an Abused Woman
Today I checked out Pastor Jeff Crippen's excellent website which is called A Cry for Justice. Pastor Crippen writes about domestic violence in the Christian church. He often talks about the disservice Christians do when they try to counsel abused Christian women....
Are Women Called to Obey Their Husbands?
It happened again. I spoke to a female abuse victim whose husband took Bible verses that were originally meant to protect women, and instead, used them to hurt her. The following is taken from my book A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom. Women...
Must We Submit to Abuse?
An abuser will often tell his Christian wife that she must “submit to” or “obey” him when he treats her with disrespect or abuse. But what does the bible say? Ephesians 5:21 - 33 is one of the places in the bible that has the most to say about marital submission. This...
What is Your Worth in God’s Eyes? What Does the Bible Say?
Many of us feel totally worthless; especially those of us who now live, or have lived with an abuser. We are made to feel that we have no value except for making our abuser happy. If he is angry with us, we feel we are lower than an insect crawling along the ground....
You Are God’s Daughter – III
When you think of the story of Eve being created by God, what do you think of? Maybe you think of her coming out of Adam's rib. Maybe you think about Adam and Eve being naked and not being ashamed. Maybe you think a bit further into the story about the...
You Are God’s Daughter – II
In my last blog, I referred to the sermon by Perry Noble from NewSpring church about how protective men are toward their daughters. Then, he went on to ask the men in the audience, "How do you think God feels about how you treat His daughter?" He referred to Genesis...