If God is loving, why is the world so evil? I often hear this question from those who have been victims of domestic violence. For some, having experienced evil that God did not prevent has made them doubt God exists. I am currently getting a master's degree in...
Finding the Courage to Ask for Change
Something is wrong with your relationship. You know it. Could it be emotional abuse? Maybe. Here is a blog that can help you decide this. If it is emotional abuse, what now? You could just walk out the door. Some people do that, but most make an effort to improve the...
How Do We Make Sense of the Bible?
I am taking a theology class at my local seminary. In it, we are learning how to correctly interpret the bible. I thought I would pass along some of what I am learning. When we read the bible, how literally should we take it? For example, are women still supposed to...
The Lion of Judah
If you have been following me for very long, you know that I often share contemporary songs in my blogs that have meaning to me. Today, I would like to share "The Lion and the Lamb" by Big Daddy Weave.* The chorus of this song has been stuck in my mind for days: Our...
What Voices Are You Listening To?
What do you hear about yourself when you listen to your inner voice? Do you hear how wonderful, smart and strong you are? Or, do you hear a negative voice, one that says you are lazy, fat and stupid? Maybe you don't even realize the negative things you say to...
A Garment of Praise
Last year I shared a new method I learned of studying the Bible. I read a chapter of the Bible and write down everything that speaks to me. Then, I look at what I've written and discern what I think God is saying to me that day. Sometimes I write the verses back to...
God Values You Over Your Marriage
I have recently finished a course on the Old Testament - so interesting! One of the things we studied closely was the 10 Commandments. I have looked at the 10 Commandments many, many times. But, this time, really studying them gave me a new insight on domestic abuse....
What Does the Bible Say about Abuse?
I am continuing my intensive course. This week, my friend Rose Saad, author of A Path to Hope, was kind enough to write a guest blog for me. Many of us have tried to seek wisdom about domestic violence from our churches and/or the bible. Often, our churches have...
Your Worth Is Infinite
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. In this lull between Christmas and New Year's, I would love to share some thoughts about our worth in God's eyes. This devotional was written by my friend Heather of Heart, Soul and Mind Yoga. To hear a podcast of her devotional,...
God Isn’t Afraid of Our Mess
Merry Christmas my friends! Okay, I am a few days early, but I am happy to be one of the first ones to wish you a happy Christmas! Recently, Ryan Paulson, of South Fellowship church gave a great message that I just have to share. You can read the entire message here....