Your New Name

Your New Name

Last year, I shared my experience beginning to take yoga. At that time, I shared that I was uncomfortable with the idea that yoga is often associated with Eastern religions. The class I was taking became more and more linked with Hinduism, and I stopped enjoying it....

A Bump in the Road

A Bump in the Road

A while back I wrote about my journey to physical health. I was very optimistic at that time that I would soon be able to come off all my prescription medications. Over the last several months, I have been slowly reducing the anti-anxiety medicine I've been taking for...

Forget Me Not, by Amy Daumit

Forget Me Not, by Amy Daumit

Today I have the honor of introducing you to someone special who is fighting against domestic violence. Meet Amy Daumit, author of Forget Me Not: learning to live with me and for me, which just came out last week. Amy is the founder of the Forget Me Not Advocacy...

My Slow Journey to Health

My Slow Journey to Health

Many abuse victims and survivors suffer from physical ailments. These are often a direct result of the abuse they've experienced though we don't often realize it. Some of these might include: fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, eating disorders,...

Healing your Anger After Abuse

Healing your Anger After Abuse

If you have recently left an emotionally abusive relationship, you may find yourself struggling with a lot of anger. This may surprise you, because often victims don't feel angry while they are with their abuser. They may feel sad, scared, worthless, or any number of...

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