I have been having more migraines in the last month than have had in a long time. I have done all I could to determine a physical cause but could find none. So, I decided it might be an emotional/spiritual issue. I have worked for a few years on and off with Steve...
Let’s Be Real
Emotional healing is hard. We are often in the dark about why we do the things we do. For example, why do we leave one abusive relationship, and land in another? Why is our job never good enough? We leave a job because of relational issues, and the next job seems even...
What Lies Do You Believe?
Many of us unconsciously believe lies about ourselves, others, and God. Being abused can mess with your mind. We begin believing the negative (untrue) things our abusers say about us. Then, without realizing it, we act on the lies we believe. An example of this is...
Where Was God During Your Tragedy?
Last week, I asked the question, "If God is loving, why is the world so evil?" For those of us who have suffered greatly, we may be asking God more personal questions, such as: “Why did you allow this to happen to me?” and “Where were you when I experienced this?”...
Should I Stay or Leave?
Should I stay with or leave my abusive partner? This is the agonizing question many of you are asking yourselves right now. No one can answer this question for you. There are many forces pushing you first to leave, then to stay. How to decide? There Are Many Reasons...
Domestic Violence and Addictions
I recently read a great article on DrugRehab.com that highlighted the link between domestic violence and substance abuse. Some people believe that an abuser using drugs or alcohol causes domestic violence. This is not true. Taking drugs and alcohol does not cause...
Do I Need Professional Counseling?
I highly recommend professional counseling for those who have suffered any kind of abuse whether in childhood or from an intimate partner. Sometimes people feel like failures if they seek professional counseling. It is a sign of weakness, isn't it? Wrong! In my...
How Can Group Counseling Help a DV Survivor?
We don't often hear about group counseling. I am currently going to my local seminary to get a degree in counseling. Since studying group counseling this semester I have learned a few things I didn't know: Group counseling can be just as effective and sometimes even...
A Garment of Praise
Last year I shared a new method I learned of studying the Bible. I read a chapter of the Bible and write down everything that speaks to me. Then, I look at what I've written and discern what I think God is saying to me that day. Sometimes I write the verses back to...
In Order to Heal, We Must Feel
Good morning my friends! I am currently rereading a book by Stephen Arterburn, entitled Healing is a Choice: Ten Decisions that Will Transform Your Life and Ten Lies that Can Prevent You from Making Them.* It is quite brilliant. Each chapter talks about a lie that we...