So many of the abuse survivors I work with must fight their former abusive partners for custody of their kids in Family Court. The stories I've heard would turn your hair. It seems incomprehensible to the average person why a judge would give custody of innocent...
My Second Book: A Journey to Healing After Emotional Abuse
I took eighteen months to write this book. I began it when I realized there was a huge need for healing among my Facebook friends. Most of the women I work with have been released from the shackles of the abuse they’ve experienced. Yet, they are still shackled by the...
Why Do I Want to Take My Abuser Back?
I have worked with many abused women* who have left their abusers, but, instead of jumping for joy as one might expect, felt drawn back into the relationship. Why might this happen? You still love him and miss him You are struggling financially Your kids miss him and...
No Contact? How Do I Do That?
Are you on Pinterest? I joined to find pictures and blogs about domestic violence. Lately I have seen lots of pictures that talk about NO CONTACT with your abuser. This interests me, because it seems no contact is now a "thing," which I didn't know. I instituted...
Honor DVAM by Helping a Current or Former DV Victim
This is the final installment of my series on how to honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In this blog, I suggest you can honor DVAM by helping a current or former DV victim. Current domestic violence victims may seem hard to understand. They may come to you in a...
Honor DVAM by Seeking Healing for You
Good Morning friends! Today begins week two of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Last week I gave several ideas for very public ways to bring awareness to the dangers of domestic violence. This week, I'd like to take a different focus. For those of us who have...