Good morning my friends! I am currently rereading a book by Stephen Arterburn, entitled Healing is a Choice: Ten Decisions that Will Transform Your Life and Ten Lies that Can Prevent You from Making Them.* It is quite brilliant. Each chapter talks about a lie that we...
My Slow Journey to Health
Many abuse victims and survivors suffer from physical ailments. These are often a direct result of the abuse they've experienced though we don't often realize it. Some of these might include: fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, eating disorders,...
Empower Yourself by Changing the Cycle of Abuse in Society
In my last post I asked the question, "Can any good come out of the abuse you’ve suffered?" I believe God can bring good out of any situation if we let Him. One of the ways you can bring good out of your pain is to work to change the cycle of abuse in your community...
We Can Comfort Others As We’ve Been Comforted
Can any good come out of the abuse you've suffered? I believe God can bring good out of any situation, if we let him, (Romans 8:28). But in those dark days of pain, this is often hard to envision. One of the best ways God brings good from our pain is to allow us to...
How to Heal Your Soul from Childhood Abuse
In my last blog, I posed the question: "Will an abuse survivor ever be completely healed?" Sadly, the answer is no. Happily, you can move passed your past into a better future. But HOW can you do that? To answer that question, I would like to share the following...
Will I Ever Be Completely Healed from My Past?
I am often asked by emotional abuse survivors whether they will ever be completely healed from their abuse. Sadly, I believe the answer is no. Happily, you can move passed your past into a better future. The following is taken from my book A Journey to Healing After...
What If It Isn’t Well With My Soul?
Life can be hard. Especially if you are in an abusive relationship, or healing from one. Or if you are a woman, or a human. You catch my drift. Life can be hard for all of us sometimes. And sometimes that hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" can make you want to vomit. What...
Forgiveness – Seriously?
In my blog entitled Acceptance - A Vital Part of Healing, I shared my conviction that in order to truly heal from abuse, we need to accept the fact we have been abused. I believe once we accept this fact we can learn what choices, paths, lessons and opportunities we...
Do You Isolate Yourself?
I believe one of the best things a survivor of abuse can do to help with her* healing is to get out of the house and be among loving, caring friends. You might agree . . . in theory. However, the people who you thought were your friends when you were with your abuser...
What If My Ex Sexually Abuses My Child?
This is part two of my series on how to protect you and your kids in Family Court. See Part 1 here. What if you suspect your ex is sexually abusing your children? This is every parent’s worst nightmare.[tweetthis twitter_handles="@caroline_abbott"...