Do You Experience Toxic Shame?

Do You Experience Toxic Shame?

Do you struggle with feeling shame? Many of us do. Sometimes we are taught to feel shame by our parents, or at a childhood church. But often, our abusers plant a feeling of shame in our hearts. How is this possible? The following is taken from my book, A Journey to...

Stop That Negative Self-Talk

Stop That Negative Self-Talk

Years ago, I went to a counselor because I was depressed. She had me try this exercise. For a period of time, (day, week), write down everything you say to yourself. This was an eye-opening exercise for me. Here are some of the things I was telling myself at that...

A Garment of Praise

A Garment of Praise

Last year I shared a new method I learned of studying the Bible. I read a chapter of the Bible and write down everything that speaks to me. Then, I look at what I've written and discern what I think God is saying to me that day. Sometimes I write the verses back to...

Why Do I Still Love My Abuser?

Why Do I Still Love My Abuser?

I speak to many abuse victims. They contact me to understand whether they really are being abused. They contact me to seek help in leaving their abusers. Some even contact me to ask me why they still love their abusers. This is my topic for today. How is it possible...

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