What is Emotional Abuse?

What is Emotional Abuse?

Today's blog is an excerpt from my book, A Journey through Emotional Abuse:From Bondage to Freedom. Please note that this book is written specifically for Christian women facing emotional abuse. Because of this, I identify the abuser as "he" and the abused as "she"....

How About Some Good News?

How About Some Good News?

Dealing with domestic violence often means hearing sad stories. Today I would like to share some good news. These stories are found on the PADV (Partnership Against Domestic Violence) website. PADV’s mission is to end the crime of intimate partner violence and empower...

My Story of Abuse

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Beverly Diehl is highlighting one story per day this month from a victim of DV on her Writing in the Flow website. I am honored that she chose my story to present today. Here is the link. You can also read my...

The Clothesline Project

  This video is silent, as most victims of domestic violence have traditionally been. But it shouts a few big points: 1. There are more victims of sexual, emotional and physical abuse out there than people are aware of. 2. The pain this causes cannot be minimized. 3....

Preview DV Guide for Churches!

A-Journey-to-Healing-Front-vfClick for a preview of DV Guide for Churches now.

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