Good Morning Friends! My good friend Amy Thomson who writes the "Picking up the Pieces" blog, recently asked me to guest blog for her and say what prompted me to write my first book, A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom. In the blog, I describe...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 4 of 4
Tell It to the Church - Last week I wrote Part 3 in my series on Holding Your Abuser Accountable. In this series I am describing the process Jesus outlines in Matthew 18 for holding a brother who sins against you accountable. This series is for you if you or someone...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 3 of 4
Bring One or Two Others Along - Last week I wrote Part 2 in my series on Holding Your Abuser Accountable. In this series I am describing the process Jesus outlines in Matthew 18 for holding a brother who sins against you accountable. This series is for you if you or...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 2 out of 4
Learn to Say "Stop It!" Last week I began my series on Holding Your Abuser Accountable. In this series I am describing the process Jesus outlines in Matthew 18 for holding a brother who sins against you accountable. This series is for you if you or someone you...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 1 of 4
I believe that the only hope for anyone to change is for him/her to feel the need to change. Let's say you are in a destructive relationship. If your destructive partner's actions are working for them, there is no reason for them to change. When their actions start...
Live at Peace
Jesus came to earth so we could live at peace with God and with others. A victim of domestic violence can be at peace with God, but she* will never be able to be at peace with her abuser. Paul the apostle counsels us in Romans 12:18: If it is possible, as far as it...
When Emotional Abuse Turns Physical. How Can a Victim Prepare?
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Many will speak out this month against what UNICEF calls, "one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world today." Let me add my voice. The more who speak up, the better. Many people do not understand the...
When Churches Get it Wrong
Lately I’ve been posting comments and questions to my twitter and Facebook accounts about churches and how they help or hinder the abused. If you ask your church for help with domestic violence, and they tell you to submit, pray harder or be a better wife, they can't...
Returning (Reluctantly) to the Days of Emotional Abuse
Today I would like to get more personal than I usually do . . . here goes. I am a step-mom. I am also a survivor of domestic violence. Some days these two don’t collide, but often they do. Let me explain. I love my stepchildren, but make no mistake, being a step...
Lies Childhood Domestic Violence Teaches and the Truths that Set Victims Free
Children who grow up in homes where they experience domestic violence learn lies about themselves. Because they believe these lies, they often get into domestic violence relationships as adults – as the perpetrator or the victim. Here are some examples of some of...