In my last blog, I shared the story of survivor and thriver Debby Seguin. Today, I will share some of Debby's insights into dating after abuse. I thought they were profound. Let me start by saying I am not a huge fan of online dating. I hear too many negative stories...
Take Off the Pain Goggles Before Dating Again
When we end a bad relationship, our first instinct is to find someone new. If we have not healed, we often choose someone just like the person we left.
What Makes a Relationship Healthy?
I often talk about dysfunctional relationships. Today, I would like to look at what makes a healthy relationship. I have experienced both. My first marriage was sad. It was characterized by selfishness, control, invalidation and abuse. My second marriage is the...
We are God’s Bride
I know many women (and men) who have come out of abusive relationships. Sometimes they jump right back into one. There are many reasons for this. One of them is that they feel adrift without their abusive mate, and they have not yet learned to value themselves. So,...
How/When To Include Your Kids?
I hope you have enjoyed my series on dating after abuse. If you have been dating someone, and you think you may seriously have a future with him,* you may wonder when is the right time to introduce each other to your kids? Also, what is the best way to do this? I...
Make a Potential Husband “Run the Gauntlet”
Today, I continue my series on dating after abuse by summarizing some great advice found in Emily Avagliano's book, Dating after Trauma: How to Find the Love of Your Life After Experiencing an Abusive Relationship, Rape or Sexual Abuse. The following is taken from my...
Safety Guidelines for Dating
Former Abuse victims often worry about picking another abuser when they begin dating again. This is a valid concern. Why? Here are a few reasons many survivors will unintentionally pick an abuser again: Abusers are very charming at the beginning of a relationship, and...
How to Meet the Right Man?
In my last blog, I talked about how a former abuse victim can discern if she* is ready to begin dating. If you have decided you are ready to date, the next question is, how can you meet the right man? Here are some suggestions: Spend your time in the places you would...
Are You Ready to Date?
In last week's blog I began my series about dating after abuse by looking at what the bible says about divorce and remarriage. This week I will help you decide if you are ready to date. This is an important question for someone who has previously been in an abusive...
Is it OK to Remarry After Divorce?
In the next several weeks, I will be doing a series about dating after abuse. Before I begin writing about dating, I would like to answer a question many divorced Christian women* struggle with: Does the Bible (and God) say it's OK to remarry if you divorced because...