Good morning my friends! I am currently rereading a book by Stephen Arterburn, entitled Healing is a Choice: Ten Decisions that Will Transform Your Life and Ten Lies that Can Prevent You from Making Them.* It is quite brilliant. Each chapter talks about a lie that we...
How to Heal Your Soul from Childhood Abuse
In my last blog, I posed the question: "Will an abuse survivor ever be completely healed?" Sadly, the answer is no. Happily, you can move passed your past into a better future. But HOW can you do that? To answer that question, I would like to share the following...
What If My Ex Sexually Abuses My Child?
This is part two of my series on how to protect you and your kids in Family Court. See Part 1 here. What if you suspect your ex is sexually abusing your children? This is every parent’s worst nightmare.[tweetthis twitter_handles="@caroline_abbott"...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 3 of 4
Bring One or Two Others Along - Last week I wrote Part 2 in my series on Holding Your Abuser Accountable. In this series I am describing the process Jesus outlines in Matthew 18 for holding a brother who sins against you accountable. This series is for you if you or...