Judges who refuse to issue restraining orders for women whose lives are obviously in danger, or Judges who give custody of minor children to fathers who have proven, frightening records of domestic violence. Often these men have not only physically abused the mothers,...
Men Helping to End Domestic Violence
My husband and I recently had the opportunity to go to a Central American country on a mission trip. I love mission trips, because, unlike tourist trips, it gives me a chance to really get to meet the people who live there. I fell in love with the people in this...
What is CHILDHOOD Domestic Violence?
I have recently become aware of a great organization, called the Childhood Domestic Violence Association, (CDV.org). CDV’s mission is: “To help those who experience domestic violence as children reach their full potential and break the cycle of violence”. Many women...
What Happens to the Brains of Adults Who Were Abused As Children?
Abuse victims often have a hard time leaving their abusers. This is especially true if they have children. Abusers keep their victims under their control using many methods. One of the best methods is to threaten harm to the children if the victim should leave. Or,...
How Can We PREVENT Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence has some of the most alarming statistics of any social problem facing the world today. 1 in 4 women will experience it in their lifetime. Think of how staggering that statistic is. If you are in a room of 100 women, twenty-five of them have been or...
What About the Children?
One of my blog readers recently pointed me to a great website called HurtByLove. Here is the link. It is written by Cindy Burrell. The first article I read was entitled “What about the Children?” Here is the link for the article. In this article, Cindy gives the...
Domestic Violence Statistics about Children for 2011
10 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics about Children for 2011 Children of Domestic Violence (formerly the Makers of Memories Foundation) has created a powerful video on YouTube called 10 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics for 2011. Here is the link. The video is...