How/When To Include Your Kids?

How/When To Include Your Kids?

I hope you have enjoyed my series on dating after abuse. If you have been dating someone, and you think you may seriously have a future with him,* you may wonder when is the right time to introduce each other to your kids? Also, what is the best way to do this? I...

A Crisis in the Family Courts

A Crisis in the Family Courts

A crisis is occurring for abused women* and their children in many of the family law courts in every state of the United States. I have heard similar stories from women in Australia and the United Kingdom as well. What is this crisis? Abusive fathers use the court...

The “In”Justice System – II

The “In”Justice System – II

Last week I began describing my journey through the “injustice” system when I separated from my abusive husband. Here is the link to last week’s blog. Today, I will continue the story. Both parts of the story are excerpts from my new book A Journey through Emotional...

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