Last week I began telling the story of my walk from an unhappy marriage where I was in bondage to an abusive husband to freedom in Christ. I shared how Beth Moore’s Breaking Free* bible study gave me a new insight into how much God wants to give His people freedom....
God Wants Us to Be Free – Part 1
This week, I have been studying Beth Moore’s Breaking Free* bible study. On week 1, Day 5, page 26, she writes, “God hears the cry of the oppressed. God even hears the cries of those who have been oppressed as a result of sin and rebellion. We must never cease...
What About the Children?
One of my blog readers recently pointed me to a great website called HurtByLove. Here is the link. It is written by Cindy Burrell. The first article I read was entitled “What about the Children?” Here is the link for the article. In this article, Cindy gives the...