Last week I began describing my journey through the “injustice” system when I separated from my abusive husband. Here is the link to last week’s blog. Today, I will continue the story. Both parts of the story are excerpts from my new book A Journey through Emotional...
The “In”Justice System
Judges who refuse to issue restraining orders for women whose lives are obviously in danger, or Judges who give custody of minor children to fathers who have proven, frightening records of domestic violence. Often these men have not only physically abused the mothers,...
Tattoos and Violence
My husband and I have a heart for Human Trafficking victims. When we were in Central America last month, we had the opportunity to meet some women who had been rescued out of Sex Trafficking. They are now involved in a Christian ministry which helps them learn a...
A Journey Through Emotional Abuse
God walked with me for 7 years to help me write a book for abuse victims called A Journey Through Emotional Abuse: From Bondage to Freedom. I wrote the book primarily for women suffering from emotional abuse in their marriages, but the book can be used for men as...
How About Some Good News?
Dealing with domestic violence often means hearing sad stories. Today I would like to share some good news. These stories are found on the PADV (Partnership Against Domestic Violence) website. PADV’s mission is to end the crime of intimate partner violence and empower...
How Does Verbal and Emotional Abuse Make You Feel?
How does verbal and emotional abuse make a person feel? Some people feel as if they are “going crazy”. Here is the way it is described in the book Stop! You’re Driving Me Crazy, by George R. Bach and Ronald M. Deutsch. You are always thrown off-balance. You may be...
What is Gaslighting? Another Word for Psychological Abuse
I have recently become aware of a “new” term used to describe psychological abuse – “gaslighting”. I put “new” in quotes because the term was actually first used in a 1938 play called Gas Light. The play was made into the movie Gaslight in 1940 and 1944. In the play...
Leaving an Abusive Relationship is the Most Dangerous Time for a Victim
The most dangerous time for an abused woman* is when she is trying to leave her abuser or shortly after she has. Why is this? It is because an abuser doesn’t want to lose his control over her. An abusive man has a lot of perks in the relationship. Basically, he is...
My Story of Abuse
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Beverly Diehl is highlighting one story per day this month from a victim of DV on her Writing in the Flow website. I am honored that she chose my story to present today. Here is the link. You can also read my...
Does “Turn the Other Cheek” Mean We Must Submit to Abuse?
In his blog from March 31, 2012 entitled “Does ‘Turn the Other Cheek’ Mean We Must Submit to Abuse?” Pastor Jeff Crippen talks about what Jesus said in Matthew 5:38-39, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do...