Our Stories Matter

Our Stories Matter

One thing I've learned as a domestic violence advocate - every survivor's story matters. Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it is another point in the "win" column.Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it's a...

Why I Started Writing

Why I Started Writing

Good Morning Friends! My good friend Amy Thomson who writes the "Picking up the Pieces" blog, recently asked me to guest blog for her and say what prompted me to write my first book, A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom. In the blog, I describe...

When Churches Get it Wrong

When Churches Get it Wrong

Lately I’ve been posting comments and questions to my twitter and Facebook accounts about churches and how they help or hinder the abused. If you ask your church for help with domestic violence, and they tell you to submit, pray harder or be a better wife, they can't...

Preview DV Guide for Churches!

A-Journey-to-Healing-Front-vfClick for a preview of DV Guide for Churches now.

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