Can any good come out of the abuse you've suffered? I believe God can bring good out of any situation, if we let him, (Romans 8:28). But in those dark days of pain, this is often hard to envision. One of the best ways God brings good from our pain is to allow us to...
Our Stories Matter
One thing I've learned as a domestic violence advocate - every survivor's story matters. Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it is another point in the "win" column.Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it's a...
Drowning – A Great Novel About DV
Do you like to read? I do! Give me a good novel, especially one with a bit of a mystery, and I can lose an entire afternoon curled up reading. If you combine a good novel that has a bit of mystery with my passion of domestic violence, all the better! Let me introduce...
Why I Started Writing
Good Morning Friends! My good friend Amy Thomson who writes the "Picking up the Pieces" blog, recently asked me to guest blog for her and say what prompted me to write my first book, A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom. In the blog, I describe...
DV Victim and Parent – What to Do?
In my last blog, I talked about the paradoxes a domestic violence victim faces when they are also a parent. In my case, I struggled with wanting to escape my abusive marriage, but also, not wanting to put my kids through an ugly divorce. I wanted my kids to understand...
DV Victim & Parent-What’s it Feel Like?
I often talk about the difficulties of being a victim of domestic violence. I’ve also talked about how detrimental DV is to the children in the family. But I haven’t said much about the pain of being a DV victim who is also a parent. Why do I make this distinction?...
Children of Domestic Violence Champion
I feel very honored to be named a Champion by the Childhood Domestic Violence Association. is a great organization working hard to prevent childhood domestic violence, and also to empower current and former victims. I don’t often talk about the fact that in...
When Churches Get it Wrong
Lately I’ve been posting comments and questions to my twitter and Facebook accounts about churches and how they help or hinder the abused. If you ask your church for help with domestic violence, and they tell you to submit, pray harder or be a better wife, they can't...
Returning (Reluctantly) to the Days of Emotional Abuse
Today I would like to get more personal than I usually do . . . here goes. I am a step-mom. I am also a survivor of domestic violence. Some days these two don’t collide, but often they do. Let me explain. I love my stepchildren, but make no mistake, being a step...
Lies Childhood Domestic Violence Teaches and the Truths that Set Victims Free
Children who grow up in homes where they experience domestic violence learn lies about themselves. Because they believe these lies, they often get into domestic violence relationships as adults – as the perpetrator or the victim. Here are some examples of some of...