How Can a Formerly Abused Woman Heal?
How should a woman who has left an abusive relationship begin to heal from it? This is a question that many women I speak to struggle with. I believe the first thing she must do is set boundaries around any continued relationship she has with their former abuser. As...
How Can We PREVENT Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence has some of the most alarming statistics of any social problem facing the world today. 1 in 4 women will experience it in their lifetime. Think of how staggering that statistic is. If you are in a room of 100 women, twenty-five of them have been or...
Leaving an Abusive Relationship is the Most Dangerous Time for a Victim
The most dangerous time for an abused woman* is when she is trying to leave her abuser or shortly after she has. Why is this? It is because an abuser doesn’t want to lose his control over her. An abusive man has a lot of perks in the relationship. Basically, he is...
After the Abuse is Over, How Do You Deal with the Anger?
Once you are free from your abuser, you might find that you are not truly emotionally free. Now you must deal with fierce ANGER toward your abuser. How can you get free from that? First of all, anger is understandable, and normal. A person who has been abused...
Do Abusers Know What They Are Doing?
Does an abuser realize he* is being abusive? Does he know what he is doing? Author Lundy Bancroft says “Yes”. The following is taken from my book A Journey Through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom. Why would a husband, especially one who claims to be a...
Does “Turn the Other Cheek” Mean We Must Submit to Abuse?
In his blog from March 31, 2012 entitled “Does ‘Turn the Other Cheek’ Mean We Must Submit to Abuse?” Pastor Jeff Crippen talks about what Jesus said in Matthew 5:38-39, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do...
Does God Say an Abuse Victim Must Stay?
Many Christian abuse victims are given the message that God has ordained the suffering that they are experiencing, and that it would be a sin if they separated from or divorced their abuser. This belief keeps many victims trapped in unhappy marriages that can only be...
My Experience with Marriage Counseling
Last week I shared a blog from Kellie Jo Holly’s website Verbal Abuse Journals entitled “I Tried Marriage Counseling”. In my blog I talked about the fact that though many abuse victims are told to go to couples counseling with their abusers, many people don’t realize...
Should You Try Marriage Counseling?
I would like to introduce you to another site that focuses on verbal abuse, written by Kellie Jo Holly. It is called Verbal Abuse Journals. Here is the link. One of her blogs is entitled "I tried Marriage Counseling”. In her blog she describes going to marriage...
How Can Friends Help Abuse Victims?
It can be very painful to be a friend or family member of an abuse victim. Watching a friend go through abuse can make you feel frustrated and helpless. It may seem very obvious to you that your loved one should leave the abuser. You may wonder why she* won’t leave...