Why Do I Treat Myself Poorly?
I recently began gaining weight for the first time in years. Exercise and dieting did nothing to help. I was not sure what to do next. I decided to contact my naturopath Cheryl Townsley. Cheryl is an amazing Christian woman and health care provider. Over the last few...
Save Marriage at all Costs? Really?
I have been a domestic violence advocate for seven years, an author and blogger for six. During that time, I cannot count how many domestic violence victims I have spoken to who were counseled by their church leaders (pastors) to stay in a marriage with their abusive...
Do You Have a Target on Your Back?
Many of us feel like we have a target on our backs. It is as if users and abusers can see us coming. Somehow, like a shark who smells blood in the water, they know we are an easy mark for their manipulation and evil. Does this mean that it is our fault if we are...
How Changing Your Posture Can Change Your Life
I have been having more migraines in the last month than have had in a long time. I have done all I could to determine a physical cause but could find none. So, I decided it might be an emotional/spiritual issue. I have worked for a few years on and off with Steve...
Why Do I Feel I Must Be Perfect?
I am currently working toward getting a master's degree in Counseling Ministries. As part of that degree, I have to do a semester interning as a chaplain in a hospital. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I began the semester. I guess I was naive, but I...
Living Life WITH God – What Would That Be Like?
Last week I shared insights from the book With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God.* In that blog I talked about the positions most of us take when we relate to God. In living under God, we try to do everything "right" and then hope/expect him to give us a good...
How Do YOU View God?
I have been reading a really interesting book for my master's program. It is called With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God. The author, Skye Jethani talks about the four postures people typically take when relating to God. The following describes these four...
What Does “Laying Down Your Life” Look Like?
We are often told that we should "lay down our lives" for others. The person that says this to us is often (but not always) trying to manipulate us. When they are trying to manipulate us, what they really mean is lay down your life for ME. Using the Bible to...
What Does the Bible Say About Domestic Violence?
There is much confusion about what the Bible says about domestic violence, marriage and divorce. The Bible was not meant to be read out of context. Many abused spouses are told that "God hates divorce" and that "the only biblical grounds for divorce are infidelity and...
Do Males Experience the Same Amount of DV as Females?
In last week's blog, I compared a particular woman's experience of domestic violence to that of a man. The week before, I shared "Patrick's" story of abuse. From these two articles, we can clearly see that some men DO experience domestic violence at the hands...