Come as You are

Come as You are

Merry Christmas my friends. Some of you are joyous today, and others intensely sad.  No matter how you are feeling, I’d love to share a beautiful song with you. It is Crowder’s song, Come as You Are*. It perfectly describes the love and freedom we have in Jesus. Here...

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Live at Peace

Live at Peace

Jesus came to earth so we could live at peace with God and with others. A victim of domestic violence can be at peace with God, but she* will never be able to be at peace with her abuser. Paul the apostle counsels us in Romans 12:18:  If it is possible, as far as it...

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Thanks Mom

Thanks Mom

My friend Nicole of Nikky’s Strength and Weakness, is blogging every day in the month of December about gratitude. She got this idea from another blogger, Jodi Aman. You can check out both these ladies via this link. Jodi reminds us that when we focus on being...

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How to Forgive Yourself

How to Forgive Yourself

In my last blog, I gave several reasons why forgiving yourself is important when healing from abuse.  Today, I’d like to share some practical steps for doing this. The following is taken from my book, A Journey to Healing after Emotional Abuse. Step 1 – Seek God’s...

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Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving Yourself

Abuse victims struggle with forgiveness . . . for good reason. The person they love most, and who was supposed to love them, has treated them worse than most people would treat their worst enemy. This is a betrayal of the worst order. How does one forgive that? Why...

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