Is it OK to Remarry After Divorce?
In the next several weeks, I will be doing a series about dating after abuse. Before I begin writing about dating, I would like to answer a question many divorced Christian women* struggle with: Does the Bible (and God) say it's OK to remarry if you divorced because...
Discerning your Danger Level – An App
Note: I recently tried to re-access this app and could not find it. If you want to determine your danger level from domestic violence, please contact your local DV crisis center, and ask to speak to an advocate. How can you know whether your relationship is unhappy or...
We Store Our Trauma in Our Bodies
I put off taking a yoga class for years, though many friends, counselors and doctors had recommended it to me. I knew it was often very “new age,” and I didn’t want to deal with that. When I finally tried it, I found that to indeed be true. When instructors begin...
When God Intervenes
In my last blog I described how I decided to use boundaries and consequences to deal with the poor behavior of a family member. My husband and I had our plan in place, and were almost ready to implement it when God intervened. We had signed up for a parenting...
Boundaries to the Rescue
In my last blog, I talked about how I was depressed last week because I'd allowed a family member to walk all over me. I then needed to figure out, what to do about it? My first instinct was to push this person out of my life. Well, you can't really do that with...
Do You Ever Get Depressed?
Last week was awful. For the third year in a row, I sunk into a deep depression in winter. Yes, I do think this is partly due to S.A.D., otherwise known as Seasonal Affected Disorder. It is February after all. I've been sitting in the house, attached to my computer...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 4 of 4
Tell It to the Church - Last week I wrote Part 3 in my series on Holding Your Abuser Accountable. In this series I am describing the process Jesus outlines in Matthew 18 for holding a brother who sins against you accountable. This series is for you if you or someone...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 3 of 4
Bring One or Two Others Along - Last week I wrote Part 2 in my series on Holding Your Abuser Accountable. In this series I am describing the process Jesus outlines in Matthew 18 for holding a brother who sins against you accountable. This series is for you if you or...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 2 out of 4
Learn to Say "Stop It!" Last week I began my series on Holding Your Abuser Accountable. In this series I am describing the process Jesus outlines in Matthew 18 for holding a brother who sins against you accountable. This series is for you if you or someone you...
Holding Your Abuser Accountable – Part 1 of 4
I believe that the only hope for anyone to change is for him/her to feel the need to change. Let's say you are in a destructive relationship. If your destructive partner's actions are working for them, there is no reason for them to change. When their actions start...