Why I Started Writing

Why I Started Writing

Good Morning Friends! My good friend Amy Thomson who writes the "Picking up the Pieces" blog, recently asked me to guest blog for her and say what prompted me to write my first book, A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom. In the blog, I describe...

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We are God’s Bride

We are God’s Bride

I know many women (and men) who have come out of abusive relationships. Sometimes they jump right back into one. There are many reasons for this. One of them is that they feel adrift without their abusive mate, and they have not yet learned to value themselves. So,...

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What Do I Lean On?

What Do I Lean On?

Last week was difficult. Two very hard things happened to me. The first was I had to make the wrenching decision to put my sweet little Maltese dog to sleep. Putting the family dog to sleep is rough no matter what, but this dog came to me at a very stressful time in...

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