A Mother’s Blessing

A Mother’s Blessing

Many of us have had difficult relationships with our moms. Perhaps they were narcissistic, and treated us like a queen one day and like a beggar the next. Perhaps they abused us, or ignored us. Perhaps they did not give us the love and attention every child needs and...

Do You Have A Father Wound?

Do You Have A Father Wound?

Do you have a father wound? Many people do. Perhaps your father was verbally, emotionally or even physically abusive to you and/or your mom. Maybe he was an adulterer or abused drugs and alcohol. Maybe he sexually molested you. Maybe he abandoned you and your family....

How to Forgive the Unforgivable?

How to Forgive the Unforgivable?

Forgiveness? What the heck? Why am I even talking about this? Most of you reading this today have been abused, either in childhood or by an intimate partner. The things that have happened to you should never happen to any person. Ever. I totally get that. So, I am not...

Don’t Hide Your True Self

Don’t Hide Your True Self

We all want people to think well of us. Do you find yourself hiding your past, (even your present) from others? Why do we do this? Maybe we think we aren't good enough. Maybe we are ashamed of some of the things we have done/are doing. Maybe we think people will shun...

Are You Being Abused?

Are You Being Abused?

One of the most difficult things about domestic violence (DV) is that we often don't know if we are experiencing it. It took me years to realize I was being abused. When I was finally free, I wrote A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom to help...

How Can We Heal Our Hearts?

How Can We Heal Our Hearts?

Many of us are walking around with broken hearts. This isn't visible to those around us, but it is a reality. How can we mend these broken hearts? I recently read a great piece on this in the book The Essential Guide to Healing by Pastors Bill Johnson and Randy Clark....

Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse

Many who are abused as adults were also abused as children - either emotionally, physically or sexually. The number of people who have experienced this is shocking and tragic. Getting past any of these is difficult, but I can't imagine anything worse than living with...

Pastors, Protect Your Church

Pastors, Protect Your Church

The folks at A Cry For Justice recently shared a guest blog written by an American pastor. After dealing with abusers in his own church, this pastor came to several surprising conclusions about how a pastor should handle abuse within the church. It was so right on, I...

Do You Experience Toxic Shame?

Do You Experience Toxic Shame?

Do you struggle with feeling shame? Many of us do. Sometimes we are taught to feel shame by our parents, or at a childhood church. But often, our abusers plant a feeling of shame in our hearts. How is this possible? The following is taken from my book, A Journey to...

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