Steps to TRUE Reconciliation

Steps to TRUE Reconciliation

Reconciliation. What does this truly mean? Many abusers beg or demand their victims to forgive them for their past behaviors, even though they take no steps to change their future behaviors. At this point, in the abuser's mind at least, you are reconciled. They may...

Biblical Grounds for Divorce

Biblical Grounds for Divorce

Abuse victims in the church are often kept in bondage because they are told that abuse is not "biblical grounds for divorce." Leslie Vernick disagrees, (and so do I). In a recent blog, Leslie answered the question, "What are biblical grounds for divorce when there is...

Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays The holidays are supposed to be joyful and fun-filled. Sometimes they are, but often that is not our experience. The holidays can be especially painful for you if you are depressed, are mourning a loved one, or have recently lost your job. Note:...

The Voice of a Sexual Abuse Survivor

The Voice of a Sexual Abuse Survivor

The more I work with domestic violence survivors, the more I realize how many have been sexually abused as children. I am no longer shocked in my counseling sessions when someone begins sharing how their father, uncle, brother or cousin sexually abused them when they...

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