Why Do I Still Love My Abuser?

Why Do I Still Love My Abuser?

I speak to many abuse victims. They contact me to understand whether they really are being abused. They contact me to seek help in leaving their abusers. Some even contact me to ask me why they still love their abusers. This is my topic for today. How is it possible...

Your Worth Is Infinite

Your Worth Is Infinite

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. In this lull between Christmas and New Year's, I would love to share some thoughts about our worth in God's eyes. This devotional was written by my friend Heather of Heart, Soul and Mind Yoga. To hear a podcast of her devotional,...

In Order to Heal, We Must Feel

In Order to Heal, We Must Feel

Good morning my friends! I am currently rereading a book by Stephen Arterburn, entitled Healing is a Choice: Ten Decisions that Will Transform Your Life and Ten Lies that Can Prevent You from Making Them.* It is quite brilliant. Each chapter talks about a lie that we...

A Path to Hope by Rose Saad

A Path to Hope by Rose Saad

  I would like to introduce you to my new friend, author Rose Saad. She was visiting my city a few weeks ago, and took time out to meet me at a coffee shop. It was like meeting an old (new) friend. We clicked immediately. Rose lives in Maryland, loves photography, and...

Your New Name

Your New Name

Last year, I shared my experience beginning to take yoga. At that time, I shared that I was uncomfortable with the idea that yoga is often associated with Eastern religions. The class I was taking became more and more linked with Hinduism, and I stopped enjoying it....

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