Prosecuting DV Offenders

Prosecuting DV Offenders

***Trigger Warning*** On May 17, I took a webinar hosted by the National Coalition of Domestic Violence (NCADV) entitled "Prosecuting Domestic Violence Cases: Efforts to Balance Serving Society and Survivors within a Multidisciplinary Team Framework." This webinar was...

The Lion of Judah

The Lion of Judah

If you have been following me for very long, you know that I often share contemporary songs in my blogs that have meaning to me. Today, I would like to share "The Lion and the Lamb" by Big Daddy Weave.* The chorus of this song has been stuck in my mind for days: Our...

Preview DV Guide for Churches!

A-Journey-to-Healing-Front-vfClick for a preview of DV Guide for Churches now.

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