Victims of domestic violence often turn to their churches for help. Many church leaders are not educated in domestic violence and unwittingly aid the abuser instead of the victim.
My Experience
Many years ago, I was an abuse victim. I became afraid of my husband because his emotional abuse was escalating, and he began to physically abuse me. I had no idea what to do; I was a strong Christian and took my wedding vows very seriously. Too bad my husband didn’t. I struggled in silence for several years. Finally, my mentor suggested I go to our church pastors to seek help.
I told one of our pastors the abusive behaviors my husband had been committing. He was empathetic and concerned and agreed to contact my husband. When he did, my husband made light of the abuse. My pastor was untrained in domestic violence and didn’t realize that abusers are great manipulators and rarely tell the truth about their abuse. After speaking with my husband, my pastor promised to call each of us every week.
He did this for a while. My husband lied to him and said he was getting counseling and our marriage was improving. I told our pastor the truth – my husband’s abuse had escalated even more since the pastor contacted him. Nothing changed and our pastor didn’t implement any sanctions against my husband. He continued teaching Sunday School at the church each week, putting on a “Christian face” and then abusing me as soon as we returned home.
After a few months, my husband told me to tell the pastor to stop calling us. Because I was afraid of him, I made the call. I was hoping our pastor would realize this was just one more emotionally abusive behavior – isolating me from a potential help source. Sadly, our pastor agreed to stop calling us. I was devastated. Now I had no one to protect and help me.
Many more months went by. During that time, my husband continued his emotional abuse and also escalated his physically abuse. One day he emailed me (his favorite form of communication though we were in the same house), and told me to tell our kids he had never abused me. I looked at that email for quite a while. Finally, I said “h____ no!” to myself. I thought about all the abusive things he had done in front of our kids:
- Called me a b____ and multiple other curse words
- Gave me the silent treatment for months
- Ordered me around like a slave
- Used our kids to communicate with me because he refused to speak to me.
Then I thought of all the things he had done they hadn’t seen:
- Woke me in the night to scream at me
- Told me he wanted me to die when I went out to my car (had he sabotaged my car?)
- Hit me with a belt
- Raged at me
- Pinned me to the floor so I couldn’t escape him.
I decided if I told my kids he had never abused me, it would seem like I was condoning the abuse they had seen and make them doubt their own eyes.
I refused to do it. I began researching what abuse meant. I wanted to have a list of abusive behaviors to show him and be able to say, “see you do these things.” My search led me to the National Domestic Violence Hotline and my local women’s crisis center. These led me to a lawyer who specialized in DV. She recommended I take out a restraining order since my husband refused to leave our home. Six weeks after he ordered me to tell our kids he hadn’t abused me, I had received a restraining order and he was gone.
Guess what happened next? I received a call from the pastor I had previously gone to for help. He told me that “God hates divorce,” and “The Bible says we shouldn’t take another Christian to court.” I was furious! I reminded him I had asked him a year ago to help me with my husband’s abuse. He knew what was happening and didn’t help me stop it. I told him I was going to hang up before I said something I would regret.
Later, I received a letter from our pastor telling me that if my husband and I weren’t willing to follow steps to reconcile, we should step down from our leadership positions in the church. Now I was really mad! The steps he wanted me to take included “dating” my husband, and “when I felt safe” to allow him back in our home. I wrote back that I had a restraining order against my husband, so I wouldn’t be “dating” him. Therefore, I would be stepping down from my positions at the church.
Unlike many DV victims, I was fortunate I could afford a good lawyer and that I needed no further help from the church. Eventually, with Jesus’ help, I met with my pastor and was able to forgive him and move past that experience. But my experience with my church lit a fire in me to help other Christians facing abuse. I began writing my first book A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom as a direct result of my experience. I wanted to spare other abuse victims from having similar experiences with their churches.
I received training to become a domestic violence advocate. When I began my on-line ministry to abuse victims via my website and Facebook page, I heard many stories of abuse victims seeking help from their churches. Sadly, only about one in thirty of those victims received the help they needed. The rest were told to “submit to your husband,” or “be a godlier wife,” or “you need to forgive him,” or “think of your children.” In none of those cases did the church leadership hold the abuser accountable for his actions. This disturbs me. I wonder, why not? Are these (mainly male) pastors unfeeling? Are they just cruel?
No. I believe pastors give erroneous advice to abuse victims mainly because they don’t understand domestic violence.
Question: Have you ever asked your church for help with DV? If so, what happened?
I love the church. I have liked and admired most of my pastors. I believe there is a lot of erroneous information floating around in the church about domestic violence. I’ve been on a mission to change this through my writing and by serving as the domestic violence advocate for several churches in my area. I have spent time training the pastors of these churches so that, at least in these churches, abuse victims will receive the help they need and deserve.
A few months ago, I began creating a tool to train pastors about domestic violence. I am really excited about this! In my next blog I will be announcing this new tool to the public. Please check in with me next week.
God loves those who need help and healing. In Ezekiel 34:1 – 4 He chastises the shepherds of Israel for not strengthening the weak, healing the sick, or binding up the injured. In James 3:1 He says that those who teach will be judged more strictly.
In Ez 34:16, God says:
I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.
In John 10:11, Jesus says:
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
I truly believe most pastors love their flock, and do their best to shepherd them with justice. I pray this new resource will be a great help in assisting them to do this better.
May the Lord bless you all,
You are much better off than I am in regards to being able to forgive your pastor. Though I have not had any physical contact or phone calls from my mental and emtional abuser, he was abke to get some of his friends and church people to harass me and try to get others to bully me. They had started to stalk my adukt chikdren on their jobs. Abuse is more rampant than many others accept or realize, thereby allowing abusers to keep abusing. Id give anything if the stalking and abuse would cease.
I’m so sorry your abuse is continuing, not ok : (. I was able to forgive my pastor for two reasons, one was I had a lot of help from Jesus and many friends were praying for me, the second was the pastor was willing to meet with me. He was humble and asked my forgiveness, so that went a long way : ).
Thank you for your article. My husband went to our pastor for counseling after I had threatened to leave. He apparently repented with sincerity and tears. My pastor later had me come in as well. He advised me to stay and correct my husband if he is abusive. Though my husband may sincerely regret the destruction he caused, he doesn’t get it. Needless to say, his extremely covert and insidious abuse continued. When I tried to talk to him about it, he would discount me and say I was making a big deal out of nothing. It got to the point where I had an emotional breakdown and with help I left for three weeks. When I returned, my pastor corrected me saying I need to be more compassionate, because it was really hard on my husband that I left. What about me? And the countless pain memories that keep surfacing? What about the fact that I had completely lost my emotional center, my confidence, and my true personality? How can I correct an abuser when I am trying to get well? How can you expect a misogynist to accept correction from a women?
It was after 26 years of marriage that I understood our problems were the result of emotional abuse. Now it is two years later, and I am still in it. I have come from being a shell of a person to beginning to feel like myself. However, I believe I would be further progressed in my healing and completely out of here with better support and counsel from the church.
I agree it would have been better if the counsel you received was better informed. This is something I’m very passionate about, I.e. Educating pastors about DV. Please check out my blog next week where I will introduce a resource I’ve created for pastors.
In the meantime, I encourage you to continue down your journey to healing. God loves you and is there for you. If I can help in anyway, please contact me. Blessings to you. Caroline
I will definitely check out your blog. God has showed me he has been beside me through every pain I’ve absorbed. He has now healed me through a long period of C-PTSD and anxiety. I am very grateful, the Lord is so good. I look forward to more of his goodness.
I’m glad you have felt God’s presence. Bless you!
I’m not sure how to say this but your story is almost exactly like mine. My pastor has told me what the Bible says about divorce and I was raised to be a strong Christian woman and I don’t really know what to do. My husband is an alcoholic. I love him for the man that I know that he is deep down and when he’s sober that’s the man that I married and fell in love with. When he’s drunk it’s like I loathe that other side of him. I know that I’m not supposed to hate anyone but is it right that he constantly calls me names and puts me down especially in front of our children? Is it a Christian thing to do when I wake up in the middle of the night with him on top of me choking me and telling me how much he hates me??? I have nowhere to go. I’m out on long term disability after having 2 back surgeries. I can’t really kick him out because we are currently living in my step father in laws house. My pastor tells me to pray for him and I do I beg God every day for my husband to turn that corner and see how much he has destroyed our family and for him to see that he has people that are here still that have been fighting for him all along that love him. I just don’t understand what to do. I feel like I’m lost. I have finally come to understand lately that I’ve been emotionally abused for so long that I have actually started to believe the things that he has always told me! I met him when I was 17 and if I knew then what I know now I’m 99.9% sure that I would have left after the birth of my second child. But I cannot go back in time to that strong woman that I once was. I have to figure out a way to get out of this situation. My husband doesn’t work he hasn’t for years I have been the sole provider for our family. I worked 8-5 M-F and then came home fixed dinner for everyone or got take out then took the kids to ball games, practices, band, everything. I really do think that I was so busy with life that I didn’t really see what was in front of me. Now that I’m out of work on disability I see it and he has turned into something/someone that I don’t even recognize. If anyone has any input on what I should do please please let me know. As I said I’m lost and I want to do something about it but I don’t think that I’m that strong. I’ve always stood up for my kids against everyone including my husband. So why can’t I do it for myself? Every time that I say something back to him I get screamed at and told how awful I am and how much of a b**** I am!
I am so sorry for all you have experienced. I struggled with what to do in my situation for a long time too. I talk about my journey to freedom in my book A Journey through Emotional abuse: from Bondage to Freedom. You might like to check it out – many have found it very helpful. You can also friend me on Facebook, and then FB message me. May God bless you, Caroline
This is a message to Username* who posted about waking up in the middle of the night with her husband on top of her, choking her, saying how much he hates her (her post was on May 30, 2019).
This is HIGHLY disturbing. And, choking is considered by law enforcement a major predictor of murder in domestic violence cases.
If you ever come back to this site (if you’re still alive–I’m not saying that to be hyperbolic, choking is a very high lethality risk in domestic abuse cases) please know that you need immediate help to get out of danger.
God bless you.
Yes. 100%