
I had a unique opportunity recently to interview a former Child and Family Investigator, and ask her what she thought of our current Family Court system. I spoke with Adoree Blair, who has been foster parent for 23 years, and has worked as a CFI, a Mediator, and a Parenting Coordinator/Decision Maker. In addition, Adoree has worked with the Colorado State Legislature to help pass laws to benefit children. Rather than type out all she said, I thought I would post my very first podcast! It lasts about 18 minutes. In it we discuss:

  • Problems in Family Court.
  • Protective Parents losing custody of their children.
  • Her view of parental alienation.
  • The growing number of grievances being lodged against CFIs, making their jobs harder, which is causing more and more of them to leave their jobs.
  • Our beliefs that judges need more training in domestic violence.
  • Suggestions about ways family courts could be changed based upon how they are being handled in other states and districts.

Please note that after my brief introduction, the first minute of the recording has a lot of background noise. After that, the recording gets a lot easier to listen to. Enjoy!


I would like to clarify a couple of things we discussed. At around minute 13 – 14, I referred to a blog I wrote in 2013, where I talked about Municipal Court Judge Michelle Wagner. Judge Wagner was calling for a specific docket for all domestic violence cases in Toledo, Ohio. During the interview, I couldn’t remember the name of the Judge or town.

Also, right at the end of the tape, Ms. Blair mentions Boulder Colorado beginning to use something she called ENE. This stands for Early Neutral Evaluation, where a mediator would help guide divorcing parties very early on in their divorce. Here is a link that describes this further.

Coming alongside protective parents is very close to my heart, partly because I believe my children and I weren’t protected by the courts during my divorce, but also because I have worked with many domestic violence victims who have lost their children to their abuser. Their stories would break your heart. More than my feelings,

I feel sure God is on the side of the protective parent. Tweet This

As it says in Psalm 82:1 – 4 (ESV):

God has taken his place in the divine council;
    in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:
“How long will you judge unjustly
    and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
    maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Have you experienced justice or injustice in the Family Court system?

May you feel God’s love and care as you walk through whatever you currently are experiencing, and may He bless you.
