We Can Comfort Others As We’ve Been Comforted
Can any good come out of the abuse you've suffered? I believe God can bring good out of any situation, if we let him, (Romans 8:28). But in those dark days of pain, this is often hard to envision. One of the best ways God brings good from our pain is to allow us to...
What If It Isn’t Well With My Soul?
Life can be hard. Especially if you are in an abusive relationship, or healing from one. Or if you are a woman, or a human. You catch my drift. Life can be hard for all of us sometimes. And sometimes that hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" can make you want to vomit. What...
Our Stories Matter
One thing I've learned as a domestic violence advocate - every survivor's story matters. Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it is another point in the "win" column.Every time a victim survives the hell s/he's lived through, it's a...
The Lord Calls for Justice
I just finished my month of reading the bible every day. Toward the end of the month, we were to read the book of Amos. As I did a few weeks ago, I read these two chapters, and wrote down anything that stood out to me. Then, I went back and tried to identify what the...
Drowning – A Great Novel About DV
Do you like to read? I do! Give me a good novel, especially one with a bit of a mystery, and I can lose an entire afternoon curled up reading. If you combine a good novel that has a bit of mystery with my passion of domestic violence, all the better! Let me introduce...
Do Not Be Afraid
In yesterday's blog I shared that on Sunday my pastor challenged our church to read two or three chapters of the bible every day for 30 days. We are to read expecting God to speak to us through His word which is God-breathed. The pastor asked us to start reading the...
On Sunday, my pastor told our church that less than 20% of all regular churchgoers read the bible on a daily basis. This seems a surprising statistic. He asked: Why don’t more Christians read the bible? Did you know that William Tyndale risked his life in 1534 to...
Coming out of the Darkness
I have found healing from abuse can sometimes feel as if I am lost in the darkness. When in the darkness, I don't know where to turn, or what to hold onto. Other times, I feel wonderful, and I barely remember the dark times. Healing is a confusing, up and down ride...
Heaven is Made Sweeter by Suffering
Have you ever experienced this? You begin thinking about a topic, and suddenly, that topic, whatever it is, is all around you? People are talking about it, Pastors are preaching about it, and the books you read are focusing on it? That is what has happened to me...
What Do I Lean On?
Last week was difficult. Two very hard things happened to me. The first was I had to make the wrenching decision to put my sweet little Maltese dog to sleep. Putting the family dog to sleep is rough no matter what, but this dog came to me at a very stressful time in...