Living Life WITH God – What Would That Be Like?
Last week I shared insights from the book With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God.* In that blog I talked about the positions most of us take when we relate to God. In living under God, we try to do everything "right" and then hope/expect him to give us a good...
Let’s Be Real
Emotional healing is hard. We are often in the dark about why we do the things we do. For example, why do we leave one abusive relationship, and land in another? Why is our job never good enough? We leave a job because of relational issues, and the next job seems even...
Where Was God During Your Tragedy?
Last week, I asked the question, "If God is loving, why is the world so evil?" For those of us who have suffered greatly, we may be asking God more personal questions, such as: “Why did you allow this to happen to me?” and “Where were you when I experienced this?”...
If God Is Loving, Why Is the World So Evil?
If God is loving, why is the world so evil? I often hear this question from those who have been victims of domestic violence. For some, having experienced evil that God did not prevent has made them doubt God exists. I am currently getting a master's degree in...
Has Your Faith Hit a Wall?
In the theology course I took this summer, we studied the book The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith by Robert A. Guelich and Janet O. Hagberg.* In this book, the authors describe six stages that Christians might go through during their life. I will...
How Do We Make Sense of the Bible?
I am taking a theology class at my local seminary. In it, we are learning how to correctly interpret the bible. I thought I would pass along some of what I am learning. When we read the bible, how literally should we take it? For example, are women still supposed to...
The Lion of Judah
If you have been following me for very long, you know that I often share contemporary songs in my blogs that have meaning to me. Today, I would like to share "The Lion and the Lamb" by Big Daddy Weave.* The chorus of this song has been stuck in my mind for days: Our...
What Voices Are You Listening To?
What do you hear about yourself when you listen to your inner voice? Do you hear how wonderful, smart and strong you are? Or, do you hear a negative voice, one that says you are lazy, fat and stupid? Maybe you don't even realize the negative things you say to...
A Garment of Praise
Last year I shared a new method I learned of studying the Bible. I read a chapter of the Bible and write down everything that speaks to me. Then, I look at what I've written and discern what I think God is saying to me that day. Sometimes I write the verses back to...
Feeling Amazing!
In September of 2016 I wrote a blog describing my slow journey to health. In that blog, I talked about all the physical symptoms I had after my abuse, like depression, anxiety, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IC (interstitial cystitis) – which is constant pain in the...