Making the Church a Safe Place
In most churches, we feel we must put on a fake happy face when we walk through the doors. Are you as tired of that as I am? Pastor Ryan Paulson is too. Today I share a sermon he recently preached about depression and suicide and making the church a safe place for...
Surviving the Holidays
Surviving the Holidays The holidays are supposed to be joyful and fun-filled. Sometimes they are, but often that is not our experience. The holidays can be especially painful for you if you are depressed, are mourning a loved one, or have recently lost your job. Note:...
On the Road to Finding Self-Worth
In my last blog, I talked about the things that have happened in my life that have caused me to have a core belief that I am not worthy of being spoken to by the people closest to me. I didn't fully realize I believed this until I tried to teach how to have...
Becoming a Person Who Recognizes Their Own Worth
I am facilitating a counseling group for women who have experienced (or are still experiencing) domestic violence. Seeing these women grow in strength, insight and self-esteem is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. It is also stretching me as a human...
A Mother’s Blessing
Many of us have had difficult relationships with our moms. Perhaps they were narcissistic, and treated us like a queen one day and like a beggar the next. Perhaps they abused us, or ignored us. Perhaps they did not give us the love and attention every child needs and...
Do You Have A Father Wound?
Do you have a father wound? Many people do. Perhaps your father was verbally, emotionally or even physically abusive to you and/or your mom. Maybe he was an adulterer or abused drugs and alcohol. Maybe he sexually molested you. Maybe he abandoned you and your family....
Don’t Hide Your True Self
We all want people to think well of us. Do you find yourself hiding your past, (even your present) from others? Why do we do this? Maybe we think we aren't good enough. Maybe we are ashamed of some of the things we have done/are doing. Maybe we think people will shun...
Are You Being Abused?
One of the most difficult things about domestic violence (DV) is that we often don't know if we are experiencing it. It took me years to realize I was being abused. When I was finally free, I wrote A Journey through Emotional Abuse: from Bondage to Freedom to help...
How Changing Your Posture Can Change Your Life
I have been having more migraines in the last month than have had in a long time. I have done all I could to determine a physical cause but could find none. So, I decided it might be an emotional/spiritual issue. I have worked for a few years on and off with Steve...
Why Do I Feel I Must Be Perfect?
I am currently working toward getting a master's degree in Counseling Ministries. As part of that degree, I have to do a semester interning as a chaplain in a hospital. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I began the semester. I guess I was naive, but I...